Tit Band
2011, 5:02, HD video
Tit Band documents artists Emilie Crewe, Becky Grajeda, and Monica Panzarino as they perform with custom-built, wireless electronic Nipulator bras created by Panzarino. The bras use hardware potentiometers (or knobs), an Arduino microcontroller, and a Max/MSP/Jitter software patch to process videos of each artist singing a freestyled "melisma" technique. The left "nipple" of the bra loops a section of the video, and the right "nipple" controls the speed of the loop, while adding reverb to the audio.
Public Exhibitions/Screenings:
Frequency Fridays, The Fuse Factory Electronic and Digital Arts Lab, Columbus, OH
Performance Art for the Camera, Parsons Hall Project Space, Holyoke, MA