Excerpt: Untitled (with Last Jam)
2003, 6:37, SD video
Excerpt: Untitled (with Last Jam) is an excerpt from a 30-minute video in which Panzarino reflects on the recent death of her friend and artistic collaborator, Laura Payeur, who was killed in a car accident at the age of 24. In the video, Panzarino uses the final recording of electronic music she made with Payeur, a 30-minute piece titled "Last Jam." The audio from "Last Jam" is sent to a Dave Jones Sequencer, causing shots of empty chairs, Apple’s iTunes Visualizer being projected, and feedback on a CRT television monitor to switch rapidly. We see Panzarino sitting alone in the studio, watching passively as the video progresses, symbolizing her feelings of detachment, solitude, and grief.
Public Exhibitions/Screenings:
UNDEREXPOSED.SIX, Tyler Gallery, Tyler School of Art, Elkins Park, PA